SERA is an AMA sanctioned series for Enduro and Hare Scramble racing. The SERA Enduro and Hare Scramble series takes place in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and the Florida Panhandle.
SERA consists of 14 AMA chartered clubs and currently has 7 Enduros and 7 Sprint Enduros on the calendar for the 2024 racing season. Racing takes place throughout the year with an Awards Banquet held in January. A SERA membership is necessary to compete for Series points and year end awards. Plaques are awarded in each class at the awards banquet and all class winners as well as the SERA Top 20 receive custom helmets.
The purpose of the Southern Enduro Riders Association is the promotion and standardization of enduro and hare scrambles competition in Districts 19 and 43 of the American Motorcycle Association. A point accumulation system will allow riders to compete for Overall and Class Championships. The series shall be climaxed by an Awards Banquet for the purpose of recognizing and awarding prizes to the winners.
The organization of the Southern Enduro Riders Association will consist of member American Motorcycle Association clubs of Districts 19 and 43. The governing body of the Association will consist of two (2) representatives from each member club. The Club Council shall meet at least twice annually for the purpose of agenda, rule additions/deletions and/or changes, and to conduct any matter of general business that may be appropriately handled by the Club Council. All appeals, including Special Appeals, to be heard by the Club Council must be in writing and submitted to the SERA officers and Club Presidents at least three weeks before the meeting in which the appeals are to be resolved. The Club Council shall be the final authority for the purposes of conducting and regulating the affairs of the Association. The rules committee Chairman shall make recommendations to the Club Council by September 1 for rule changes for the following season. The Rules Committee is to be represented on the Club Council by the Chairman or an alternate approved by the Rules Committee as a non-voting member.
Officers of the Southern Enduro riders Association consist of President, Vice President, Enduro Points Steward, Hare Scramble Points Steward, Rules Committee Chairman, Kids Committee Chairman, SERA Pastor, Secretary/Treasurer, and Web Master. Each officer is entitled to ride free of charge in each SERA sponsored event. At the end of the season these officers will be presented an award for their services. Any person serving as a SERA OFFICER for a total of 15 years will be entitled to become a chartered officer and will receive a free of charge ride in each SERA member club sponsored event for life.
There will be dues in the amount of $45.00 assessed annually for individual memberships ($50 if you pay at an event). Additionally, each club sponsoring or co-sponsoring a SERA event shall forward to the Points Steward all riders fees related to their event. All revenues derived will be used to cover expenses of the Association and to finance the Awards Banquet at the year's end. The association Chairman or his delegate shall provide a complete financial report at the two annual meetings and publish a yearly financial report to all members.
Championship Recognition
All members of the Southern Enduro Riders Association shall be eligible to compete in the Championship Series and earn points at the designated Point-Paying events. These points shall be totaled at the end of the year to determine the Overall and Class Champions. An Awards Banquet shall be held at a location selected by the Club Council for the purposes of celebrating the year's events and awarding prizes.
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